Bruce’s Top 10 of ‘24

2024 was another fantastic year for music and for the No Wristbands! team. We’re looking back on the year and picking our top ten albums of the year.

Bruces’s List

1. English Teacher - This Could Be Texas

2. Ducks Ltd. - Harm’s Way

3. Been Stellar - Scream from New York, NY

4. Bnny - One Million Love Songs

5. Magic Shoppe - Down The Wych Elm

6. Waxahatchee - Tigers Blood

7. Jim Nothing - Grey Eyes, Grey Lynn

8. Deep Tunnel Project - Deep Tunnel Project

9. Peter Perrett - The Cleansing

10. Shellac - To All Trains


Dig ‘in: Denude, TV Buddha, Lambrini Girls


Mark’s Top 10 of ‘24